Welcome the A.P. Schalick School Counseling Department webpage. Whether you/your child is planning to attend a two or four year college/university, vocational school, go to the military, or prepare for the workforce, we are here to help! Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns, and be sure to stay connected and informed through our Remind text service (pictured below) and digital newsletter (linked below):

APSHS Digital Newsletter: Cougar Connection
Follow us on Instagram: SchalickIG
Join our Google Classroom: Schalick Classroom
Contact Us:
Telephone: 856-358-2054 x4110.
Fax: 856-358-3506
To make an appointment with your child's counselor, please complete the Appointment Referral Form on the left.
Seniors requesting transcripts must visit www.Naviance.com
Attention to all past graduates transcripts can be requested
by contacting us via email:
[email protected] or by calling 856-358-2054 x 4110.